Today is the day to return the cameras! I have been checking on the box at the monument almost everyday for a few weeks now, and have not seen any cameras returned yet, so I am hoping folks are going to return them today. One person has returned a camera today! I may extend the return time till tomorrow or the 12th in hopes of getting more back. I have been in contact with a couple participants through the Instagram page as well as posting an update that I will be available to meet up at the monument if folks would like to return the camera to me directly. Every time I check on the box I post an update on the Instagram page, usually in form of a Story post but also Timeline posts. I have been saving the Story posts to highlights on the main page so folks can look back at previous updates if they please. The page now has 42 followers, and there is interaction happening by way of likes, comments, and direct messages. Friends of mine has been kindly sharing the posts on their own Stories as well. One of the community organizations I reached out to responded, but are unfortunately not scheduling any further programming because of the pandemic. A couple local journalists reached out though the instagram page, and I had an interview with one of them today to talk about the project. The other journalist is a Columbia alum with the Chicago Reader and will hopefully be putting out a preview piece about the final installation. With the crazy windy weather tonight, I am going to check on the box as soon as I can tomorrow morning to make sure it's still there and check for any more returned cameras. 
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